APRIL 5 & 6

MAY 3 & 4

JUNE 7 & 8


Five questions you can ask yourself that may help you understand whether your anger could be a problem.

QUESTION #1: Do family members or friends tell you your anger is a problem? Feedback from others, people telling you what they see, is one of the primary ways we learn about ourselves.

QUESTION #2: Have you been hurt emotionally or physically as a child or adult by stressful events or abuse? People who have been abused are at risk for developing anger management problems.
QUESTION #3: Have you hurt yourself or others emotionally or physically when you were angry? People that have been abused or hurt are at risk for harming themselves or others. Emotionally intelligent people do not hurt themselves or others when they are angry.
QUESTION #4: Has your partner been hurt emotionally or physically as a child or adult by harmful events or abuse? Many choose partners who have a history of having been abused. You may be healthy emotionally and without anger issues, but when you find yourself in a relationship where your partner has been abused, there is a risk of your being abused. Finding yourself in this situation can make you angry, feeling helpless and feeling a little “nuts.”

QUESTION #5: Do you know you have an anger management problem? This question is about getting honest, admitting and accepting the truth. Most people know when their behavior, when angry, creates problems.

If you’re concerned about your anger, Wellness Counseling Associates LLC is here to help. I offer a two-day Anger Management Program that most participants have said they are very glad they completed the program. Read Testimonials below.

Give me a call: I’m listening. Richard Wheeler, LPC, CAADC
I invite you to take the "Anger Risk Inventory." Click the DOWNLOAD button below to access the risk inventory. If you answer 8 or more questions "YES" you may be high risk of having anger management problems.

October 5 & 6, 2024
November 2 &3, 2024

Richard Wheeler, LPC, CAADC

Contact me if I can help.



Class Participants Say This

I did not want to attend this class and I put off taking it for two years!! I knew I had an anger problem. Others told me I had a problem. Now I take responsibility for it. I admit the ways I behave when I am angry results in problems. Mr. Wheeler is an excellent teacher. I learned many things including self-awareness, communication skills and how to listen to my wife when we are arguing. I have always had trouble talking about my feelings and emotions. I know now that I suppress and bury them with alcohol and other substances. I have old angry resentments that keep running through my mind. I was abused and hurt as a child when I was in foster placement. I've felt angry my whole life and I took it out on people I love and care about. I have abused women verbally and physically and have had to face the consequences of my behavior.
Anger Management Participant
I grew up in a home where everyone was always fighting. My father was unhappy and scary when he drank. It seems he was always angry. He hit my mother and the cops were always coming to our house because the neighbors complained. I choose men who abuse me and act a lot like my father. I never understood why my relationships always ended in fights and threats. I hate dealing with conflict and will do almost anything to avoid it if possible. In this class I learned about trauma and harmful stress and how growing up in an abusive home played a big role in my choosing men who treat me like dirt. I recommend this class to anyone who wants to learn to build healthy relationships and develop emotional intelligence. While this is an anger management class, you really learn to be more self-aware and how to be well and take care of yourself. Richard respects those who participate and is a really good teacher.
Anger Management Prticipant
I am more aware of my attitudes and behavior from this class. I learned I need to listen more and pay attention to the way I'm feeling as well as others. The class helped me develop a plan for dealing with my anger in healthy ways. I have decided I will not harbor resentments. I will stop blaming others. I am in recovery as I am an alcoholic and I will continue to use the 12 steps. I will: 1) remain sober; 2) continue to take daily inventory; 3) make amends daily, and 4) help others. This was a fantastic class and I learned a lot and I'm really glad I did.
Anger Management Participant